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Process flows
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What is lactose?
What is the origin of the milk used at ARMOR PHARMA™ to produce pharmaceutical grade lactose?
What is the percentage of lactose in milk?
What is lactose used for in pharmaceutical industry?
What is the sweetness of lactose compared to other sugars? Does Lactose give a sweet taste?
What are the different isomeric forms of lactose?
What do the isomeric forms of lactose impact?
What are the different solid states of lactose grades for pharmaceutical applications?
What are the main differences between alpha lactose monohydrate, beta lactose & amorphous lactose?
Do alpha lactose monohydrate, beta lactose & amorphous lactose have different properties/applications?
What are water content & hygroscopicity?
What is the water content of lactose?
Does hygroscopicity of lactose differ depending on the solid state?
Where is lactose digested? And How is it digested?
Does allergy to lactose exist?
What is lactose intolerance?
Can medicines containing lactose be taken by lactose intolerant persons?
What is a pharmacopoeia?
How many Pharmacopoeias are there?
Which tests are described in the monograph of lactose?
Which are the main functionality – related characteristics of lactose?
Why is PSD an important formulation parameter?
What are the techniques used to measure Particle Size Distribution?
What are the different sieving techniques for PSD analysis?
Are results from different sieving PSD analysis methods comparable?
What is laser diffraction PSD analysis method?
Can laser diffraction results be compared?
Are all PSD analysis methods suitable for all lactose grades?
Which PSD analysis methods are used by ARMOR PHARMA™?
How is controlled intra-batch and batch-to-batch PSD consistency?
Why is density an important formulation parameter?
How is density measured?
Which types of powder have the highest density?
What is the difference between Carr’s index and Hausner ratio?
Why is flowability an important formulation parameter?
How is flowability measured?
Which parameters can influence lactose flowability?
What is Specific Surface Area?
How is SSA measured?
Do different grades of lactose have different SSAs?
Is SSA an important parameter of formulation?
What are the needed properties for a tablet formulation?
What are the processes used by the pharmaceutical industry for tablets manufacturing?
Why can Direct Compression be preferred by formulators?
Which grades of lactose are used for tablets formulation?
How does lactose compact?
For which types of capsules’formulations is lactose used?
What are the different hard capsules filling principles?
What are the most important parameters for the formulation of hard capsules with powder formulation?
Which grades of lactose are used for capsules’ formulation?
What are the needed properties for sachets formulation?
Which grades of lactose are used in sachets formulations?
What are the differences between milled and sieved products?
Which grades of lactose are suitable for Direct Compression?
What are the differences between granulated and Spray-Dried lactose?
Which grades of lactose are best suited for a low dosage formulation?
Which grades of lactose are best suited for a high dosage formulation?